Source code for pyCADD.Dynamic.template

# This file is a database of all the templates used in the Dynamic module.
# using str.format() to replace the placeholders with the actual values.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Literal, Union

# Basic Class Definition

[docs]class BaseConstructor(ABC): def __init__(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """ Base class for all the constructors. """ self._state_dict = state_dict.copy() self._state_keys = list(self._state_dict.keys()) for key in self._state_keys: self.__dict__[key] = self._state_dict[key]
[docs] def get_state_dict(self) -> dict: """ Return the current state of the constructor as a dict. Returns ------- dict Current state of the constructor. """ return {key: self.__dict__[key] for key in self._state_keys}
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_string(self) -> str: """ Return the current state with formated template as a string. Returns ------- str Formated template as a string. """ ...
[docs] def to_str(self) -> str: """ Same as to_string(). """ return self.to_string()
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Return the current state as a dict with current state. Returns ------- dict Current state as a dict. """ return self.get_state_dict()
[docs] def save(self, file_path: str) -> None: """ Save the current state as a file. """ with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(self.to_string())
[docs] def add_attr(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Add attributes to the constructor. """ for key in kwargs.keys(): if key in self._state_keys: raise KeyError( f"Attribute {key} already exists in the current state.") self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self._state_keys.extend(list(kwargs.keys()))
[docs] def get_attr(self, attr_name: str) -> str: """ Get the value of the attribute. """ return self.get_state_dict()[attr_name]
[docs] def set_attr(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set the value of the attribute. """ for key in kwargs.keys: if key not in self._state_keys: raise KeyError( f"Attribute {key} can not be found in the current state.") self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def del_attr(self, attr_name: str) -> None: """ Delete the attribute from the current state. """ if attr_name not in self._state_keys: raise KeyError( f"Attribute {attr_name} can not be found in the current state.") del self.__dict__[attr_name] self._state_keys.remove(attr_name)
_LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE_APO = """ ############Protein########### pro = loadpdb {protein_file_path} saveamberparm pro {file_prefix}_pro.prmtop {file_prefix}_pro.inpcrd ############################## ##########Complex############# com = combine {pro_lig} savepdb com {file_prefix}_com.pdb saveamberparm com {file_prefix}_com.prmtop {file_prefix}_com.inpcrd solvatebox com {box_type} {box_size} check com addions com {add_ions_type} 0 saveamberparm com {file_prefix}_comsolvate.prmtop {file_prefix}_comsolvate.inpcrd ############################## quit """ _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE_LIGAND = """ ############Ligand############ loadamberparams {frcmod_file_path} lig = loadmol2 {ligand_file_path} saveamberparm lig {file_prefix}_lig.prmtop {file_prefix}_lig.inpcrd ############################## """ _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE = _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE_LIGAND + _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE_APO
[docs]class LeapConstructor(BaseConstructor): def __init__(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """ LEaP 文件用于生成蛋白-配体复合物的拓扑和坐标文件。 LEaP file is used to generate the topology and coordinate files for the protein-ligand complex. state_dict = { "force_field": [...] , "frcmod_file_path": ... , "ligand_file_path": ... , "file_prefix": ... , "protein_file_path": ... , "box_type": ... , "box_size": ... , "add_ions_type": ... } """ super().__init__(state_dict) self.add_attr(pro_lig=r"{pro lig}") @property def base_template(self) -> str: """ Return the base template of the LEaP file. """ if self.get_state_dict().get("ligand_file_path") is None: return _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE_APO else: return _LEAP_BASE_TEMPLATE def _get_force_field_template(self) -> str: """ Return the force field template. """ _tmplate = "\n".join( [f"source leaprc.{ff}" for ff in self.get_state_dict()["force_field"]]) return _tmplate
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: output_str = self._get_force_field_template() output_str += self.base_template.format(**self.get_state_dict()) return output_str
[docs]class SimulationConstructor(BaseConstructor): def __init__(self, state_dict: dict, type: Literal['cntrl', 'wt'], end_cfg: bool = True, title: str = None) -> None: """ MD 模拟输入文件用于执行 MD 模拟所需的能量最小化、升温加热、平衡及正式模拟。 MD Simulation input file is used to perform the energy minimization, heating, equilibration and production. Parameters ---------- state_dict : dict The state dict of the simulation stage. type : Literal['cntrl', 'wt'] The type of the simulation stage. end_cfg: bool, optional Whether to add string "END" to the end of input file. Defaults to True. title: str, optional The title of the simulation stage. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(state_dict) self._type = type self._end_cfg = end_cfg self.title = title
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: if self.title is not None: output_str = f"{self.title}\n&{self._type}\n" else: output_str = f"&{self._type}\n" output_str += ",\n".join([f"{str(key)}={str(value)}" for key, value in self.get_state_dict().items()]) output_str += "\n/\n" if self._end_cfg: output_str += '\nEND' return output_str
[docs]class AnalysisConstructor(BaseConstructor): def __init__(self, state_dict: dict, type: Literal['general', 'gb', 'pb', 'decomp', 'nmode'], title: str = None) -> None: """ MD 轨迹分析输入文件用于分析 MD 轨迹。 MD Trajectory Analysis input file is used to analyze the MD trajectory. """ super().__init__(state_dict) self._type = type self.title = title
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: output_str = f"# {self.title}\n" if self.title is not None else "" output_str += f"&{self._type}\n" output_str += ",\n".join([f" {str(key)}={str(value)}" for key, value in self.get_state_dict().items()]) output_str += '\n/\n' return output_str
[docs]class MultiConstructorManager: def __init__(self, constructor_list: list = None) -> None: self.constructor_list = constructor_list if constructor_list is not None else [] @property def _state_dict(self) -> dict: _state_dict = dict() if len(self.constructor_list) == 0: return _state_dict else: for constructor in self.constructor_list: _state_dict.update(constructor.get_state_dict()) return _state_dict
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: return len(self.constructor_list) == 0
[docs] def add_constructor(self, constructor: BaseConstructor) -> None: self.constructor_list.append(constructor)
[docs] def del_constructor(self, constructor: BaseConstructor) -> None: self.constructor_list.remove(constructor)
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: output_str = "".join([tmp.to_string() for tmp in self.constructor_list]) return output_str
[docs] def save(self, file_path: str) -> None: with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.to_string())
######################### # Default Config ######################### LEAP_DEFAULT = { "force_field": [ "protein.ff14SB", "gaff2", "water.tip3p" ], "ligand_file_path": None, "frcmod_file_path": None, "protein_file_path": None, "file_prefix": None, "box_size": "12.0", "box_type": "TIP3PBOX", "add_ions_type": "Na+" } MINIMIZE_DEFAULT = { "imin": 1, "cut": 8.0, "ntpr": 10, "ntb": 1, "ntr": 0, "ntc": 1, "maxcyc": 10000, "ncyc": 5000 } NVT_DEFAULT = { "imin": 0, "ntx": 5, "irest": 1, "temp0": 300, "ntt": 3, "gamma_ln": 2.0, "ntp": 0, "ntb": 1, "ntc": 2, "ntf": 2, "cut": 8.0, "ntpr": 1000, "ntwr": 1000, "ntwx": 1000, "nstlim": 500000, "dt": 0.002 } NPT_DEFAULT = { "imin": 0, "ntx": 5, "irest": 1, "temp0": 300, "ntt": 3, "gamma_ln": 2.0, "ntp": 1, "taup": 2.0, "ntb": 2, "ntc": 2, "ntf": 2, "cut": 8.0, "ntpr": 1000, "ntwr": 1000, "ntwx": 1000, "nstlim": 50000000, "dt": 0.002 } ######################### # LEaP Input File Class #########################
[docs]class LeapInput(LeapConstructor): def __init__( self, protein_file_path: str, ligand_file_path: Union[str, None] = None, frcmod_file_path: Union[str, None] = None, file_prefix: Union[str, None] = None, box_size: float = 12.0, box_type: str = 'TIP3PBOX', add_ions_type: str = 'Na+', **kwargs) -> None: ''' LEaP Input Config Constructor Default Config: "force_field": [ "protein.ff14SB", "gaff2", "water.tip3p" ], "ligand_file_path": None, "frcmod_file_path": None, "protein_file_path": None, "file_prefix": None, "box_size": "12.0", "box_type": "TIP3PBOX", "add_ions_type": "Na+" ''' file_prefix = "Untitled" if file_prefix is None else file_prefix state_dict = LEAP_DEFAULT.copy() state_dict.update( { "ligand_file_path": ligand_file_path, "frcmod_file_path": frcmod_file_path, "protein_file_path": protein_file_path, "file_prefix": file_prefix, "box_size": str(box_size), "box_type": box_type, "add_ions_type": add_ions_type } ) state_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(state_dict)
######################### # MD Simulation Input File #########################
[docs]class MinimizeInput(SimulationConstructor): def __init__(self, title: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Minimization Input Config Constructor Default Attributions: { "imin": 1, "cut": 10.0, "ntpr": 10, "ntb": 1, "ntr": 0, "ntc": 1, "maxcyc": 10000, "ncyc": 5000, } """ title = "Minimization" if title is None else title state_dict = MINIMIZE_DEFAULT.copy() state_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(state_dict, "cntrl", title=title)
[docs]class RestrainedMinimizeInput(SimulationConstructor): def __init__(self, restraintmask: str, restraint_wt=2.0, title: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Restrained Minimization Input Config Constructor Default Attributions: { "imin": 1, "cut": 10.0, "ntpr": 10, "ntb": 1, "ntr": 1, "ntc": 1, "maxcyc": 10000, "ncyc": 5000, "restraintmask": None, "restraint_wt": 2.0 } """ title = 'Restrained Minimization' if title is None else title state_dict = MINIMIZE_DEFAULT.copy() state_dict.update({ "ntr": 1, "restraintmask": restraintmask, "restraint_wt": restraint_wt }) state_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(state_dict, "cntrl", title=title)
[docs]class NVTInput(SimulationConstructor): def __init__(self, end_cfg: bool = True, title: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ NVT System Input Config Constructor. Default Attributions: { "imin": 0, "ntx": 5, "irest": 1, "temp0": 300, "ntt": 3, "gamma_ln": 2.0, "ntp": 0, "ntb": 1, "ntc": 2, "ntf": 2, "cut": 10.0, "ntpr": 1000, "ntwr": 1000, "ntwx": 1000, "nstlim": 500000, "dt": 0.002 } Parameters ---------- end_cfg: bool, optional Whether to add string "END" to the end of input file. Defaults to True. title: str, optional Title of the simulation. Defaults to None. """ title = "NVT Simulation" if title is None else title state_dict = NVT_DEFAULT.copy() state_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(state_dict, "cntrl", end_cfg=end_cfg, title=title)
[docs]class HeatInput: HEAT_TEMPLATE = { "TYPE": "\'TEMP0\'", "ISTEP1": 0, "ISTEP2": 9000, "VALUE1": 0.0, "VALUE2": 300.0 } def __init__( self, tgt_temperature: float = 300.0, heat_step: int = 9000, total_step: int = 10000, step_length: float = 0.002, restraint_wt: float = None, restraintmask: str = None) -> None: """ System Heating Config Constructor. Parameters ---------- tgt_temperature: float, optional Target temperature of heating. Defaults to 300.0. heat_step: int, optional Heating system prior to this step, then, keep temperature until the end. Should not larger than total steps. Defaults to 9000. total_step: int, optional Total steps of heating progress. Defaults to 10000. step_length: float, optional Length of each step. Defaults to 0.002. restraint_wt: float, optional Weight of the restraint. Defaults to None. restraintmask: str, optional Mask of the restraint. Defaults to None. """ self.stage_1_dict = self.HEAT_TEMPLATE.copy() self.stage_1_dict.update({ "ISTEP2": heat_step, "VALUE2": tgt_temperature }) self.stage_2_dict = self.HEAT_TEMPLATE.copy() self.stage_2_dict.update({ "ISTEP1": heat_step + 1, "ISTEP2": total_step, "VALUE1": tgt_temperature, "VALUE2": tgt_temperature }) self.tgt_temperature = tgt_temperature self.heat_step = heat_step self.total_step = total_step self.step_length = step_length self.restraint_wt = restraint_wt self.restraintmask = restraintmask self.manager = MultiConstructorManager() @property def _state_dict(self) -> dict: return self.manager._state_dict
[docs] def get_state_dict(self) -> dict: return self._state_dict
[docs] def add_nvt(self, **kwargs) -> None: nvt_part = NVTInput( end_cfg=False, imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1, nstlim=self.total_step, tempi=0.0, temp0=self.tgt_temperature, dt=self.step_length, ntpr=100, ntwr=100, ntwx=100, title="Heat", **kwargs ) self.manager.add_constructor(nvt_part)
[docs] def add_heat(self, stage_dict: dict = None) -> None: if stage_dict is None: self.manager.add_constructor(SimulationConstructor( self.stage_1_dict, 'wt', end_cfg=False)) self.manager.add_constructor(SimulationConstructor( self.stage_2_dict, 'wt', end_cfg=False)) self.manager.add_constructor(SimulationConstructor( {'TYPE': "\'END\'"}, 'wt', end_cfg=True)) else: self.manager.add_constructor( SimulationConstructor(stage_dict, 'wt', end_cfg=False))
def _default_workflow(self) -> None: if self.manager.is_empty(): if self.restraint_wt is not None and self.restraintmask is not None: self.add_nvt(restraintmask=self.restraintmask, restraint_wt=self.restraint_wt) else: self.add_nvt() self.add_heat()
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: self._default_workflow() return self.manager.to_string()
[docs] def save(self, file_path: str) -> None: self._default_workflow()
[docs]class NPTInput(SimulationConstructor): def __init__(self, end_cfg: bool = True, title: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ NPT System Input Config Constructor. Default Attributions: { "imin": 0, "ntx": 5, "irest": 1, "temp0": 300, "ntt": 3, "gamma_ln": 2.0, "ntp": 1, "taup": 2.0, "ntb": 2, "ntc": 2, "ntf": 2, "cut": 10.0, "ntpr": 1000, "ntwr": 1000, "ntwx": 1000, "nstlim": 50000000, "dt": 0.002 } """ title = "NPT Simulation" if title is None else title state_dict = NPT_DEFAULT.copy() state_dict.update(kwargs) super().__init__(state_dict, "cntrl", end_cfg=end_cfg, title=title)
######################### # MD Trajectory Analysis Input File ######################### MMGBSA_GENERAL_DEFAULT = { "startframe": None, "endframe": None, "step_size": None, "verbose": 2, "keep_files": 1, "netcdf": 1, } MMGBSA_GB_DEFAULT = { "igb": 5, "saltcon": 0.15 } MMGBSA_DECOMP_DEFAULT = { "idecomp": 1, "dec_verbose": 1, } MMGBSA_PB_DEFAULT = { "istrng": 0.15, "fillration": 4.0, } MMGBSA_NMODE_DEFAULT = { "maxcyc": 10000, "drms": 0.001, }
[docs]class MMGBSAInput: def __init__( self, start_frame: int, end_frame: int, step_size: int = 1 ) -> None: self.general_dict = MMGBSA_GENERAL_DEFAULT.copy() self.general_dict.update( startframe=start_frame, endframe=end_frame, step_size=step_size) self.manager = MultiConstructorManager()
[docs] def add_general(self, title: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: self.general_dict.update(kwargs) general_part = AnalysisConstructor( self.general_dict, 'general', title=title) self.manager.add_constructor(general_part)
[docs] def add_gb(self, **kwargs) -> None: gb_dict = MMGBSA_GB_DEFAULT.copy() gb_dict.update(kwargs) gb_part = AnalysisConstructor(gb_dict, 'gb') self.manager.add_constructor(gb_part)
[docs] def add_pb(self, **kwargs) -> None: pb_dict = MMGBSA_PB_DEFAULT.copy() pb_dict.update(kwargs) pb_part = AnalysisConstructor(pb_dict, 'pb') self.manager.add_constructor(pb_part)
[docs] def add_decomp(self, **kwargs) -> None: decomp_dict = MMGBSA_DECOMP_DEFAULT.copy() decomp_dict.update(kwargs) decomp_part = AnalysisConstructor(decomp_dict, 'decomp') self.manager.add_constructor(decomp_part)
[docs] def add_nmode(self, **kwargs) -> None: nmode_dict = MMGBSA_NMODE_DEFAULT.copy() nmode_dict.update(kwargs) nmode_part = AnalysisConstructor(nmode_dict, 'nmode') self.manager.add_constructor(nmode_part)
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: return self.manager.to_string()
[docs] def save(self, file_path: str) -> None: